sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

AHAB "The Giant" (2012)

La formación Alemana de Funeral Doom AHAB editaran su tercer álbum por el sello Napalm Records. Para la portada han contado con el artista Sebastian Jerke (LONG DISTANCE CALLING).

"The Giant"

01. Further South
02. Aeons Elapse
03. Deliverance (Shouting At The Dead)
04. Antarctica The Polymorphess
05. Fathoms Deep Below
06. The Giant
07. Time's Like Molten Lead (digipak and vinyl bonus track)
08. Evening Star (vinyl-only bonus track)

AHAB son:

Daniel Droste: Guitar, Voices, Synths
Christian Hector: Guitar
Stephan Wandernoth: Bass
Cornelius Althammer: Drums

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